Nuevo Skin Lab

Age Spots

What is skin discolorations?

Skin discolorations, dark spots, and uneven skin tone occur when the skin produces too much melanin, which is the naturally-occurring pigment that gives skin its color. All skin tones, types, and ages can experience skin discolorations that appear as small spots or larger dark patches that lead to uneven skin tone.

What cause skin discolorations?

There are several causes of skin discolorations such as dark spots and uneven skin tone. Sun exposure is a primary trigger since UV rays prompt the skin to produce melanin. The natural aging process and hormonal fluctuations contribute to uneven production of melanin, leading to the appearance of skin discolorations. Dark spots can also develop after skin trauma or injuries such as acne, cuts, burns, and more.

How can I treat skin discolorations?

Skincare Products

There are many effective skin discoloration treatments that help improve the appearance of dark spots and uneven skin tone in different ways. A comprehensive skincare regimen that targets skin discolorations should include exfoliation to remove dull, discolored skin cells and increase cell turnover.

Targeted skin discoloration treatments can help improve skin discolorations, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. A topical vitamin C antioxidant serum can also help prevent skin discolorations and improve uneven skin tone and dark spots caused by environmental free radicals. While using skin discoloration treatments, it is imperative to use daily sun protection to prevent further UV-induced pigment changes.

Limelight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL can reduce the appearance of various types of hyperpigmentation, such as sunspots, age spots, freckles, and melasma. It is a non-invasive revitalizing treatment.

What can I expect to feel during my Limelight Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment?

When the pulse of light is delivered, patients will experience a mild stinging or very brief ‘pinching-like’ sensation. Cooling gel is often used to help calm and comfort the skin before the light energy is pulsed. Anesthetic or pain medicine is typically not required.