Spots can appear on the body in various shapes and colors, and they can have different causes. Some are congenital, present from birth, while others develop over time due to various factors.
The majority of spots are caused by skin hyperpigmentation. This occurs when the melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color), produce too much melanin. Excessive melanin production can result from sun exposure, hormonal changes, genetic factors, or skin injury, leading to dark spots that stand out against the surrounding skin.
Other types of spots are linked to vascular issues, often caused by abnormal widening of blood vessels. These spots are more commonly associated with aging skin but can also be triggered by prolonged sun exposure.
Topical Medications: These include hydroquinone, tretinoin, azelaic acid, kojic and glycolic acids, arbutin, Vitamin C and licorice extract. They work by inhibiting melanin production and promoting skin cell turnover.